Aesthetic Services in Mississauga

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Restore Your Natural Beauty

Time, stress, pollution, and life’s little surprises can all take a toll on your appearance. It’s easy to become so focused on your insecurities that you no longer feel beautiful. Arc Eye Care wants to help you feel beautiful again. Our aesthetic services are designed to rejuvenate your natural beauty and help you fall in love with your face all over again.

You can feel like yourself again. Book a free 20-minute skincare consultation to find out how.

Tempsure Envi

Tempsure is a revolutionary treatment system designed to restore some youthful fullness to your face. Through the power of radiofrequency, Tempsure gently heats the deepest layers of your skin, stimulating collagen production.

As your body creates more collagen, fine lines and wrinkles may start to slowly disappear. 

Unlike fillers or neuromodulators, Tempsure uses your body’s natural healing process to take years off of your face.

Tempsure can reduce the appearance of imperfections like:

  • Crow’s feet.
  • Forehead wrinkles.
  • Frown lines.
  • Smile lines.

Tempsure treatments are relatively short, usually under 45 minutes. We will use a hand-held device to execute the treatment. Most patients report a soothing, warming sensation, not unlike a hot stone massage.

Your skin may tingle for a while after treatment, but this is completely normal. Tempsure Envi treatments are so non-invasive, you can resume your daily activities immediately after your appointment, including wearing makeup.

You will most likely need multiple appointments to get the desired results.

The Icon™ IPL System

Cynosure’s Icon™ IPL system is an industry-leading aesthetic technology that uses intense pulsed light therapy (IPL) to provide patients with a host of beautiful benefits that improve the look of your skin. 

It uses varying wavelengths of pulsating light to target specific trouble areas. This light penetrates into the second layer of skin and is absorbed by pigment cells. When absorbed, the light energy is converted into heat that safely and effectively destroys unwanted pigment or hair follicles. 

The Icon™ IPL system can reduce the appearance of:

  • Facial vessels
  • Hyper pigment
  • Surgical and acne scars
  • Stretch marks
  • Wrinkles
  • Leg veins
  • Unwanted hair
  • Permanent hair reduction
  • Fractional skin resurfacing

An IPL session can take between 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated.

Before treatment, we’ll clean the area and apply a cooling gel. We’ll also have you wear dark glasses to protect your eyes. During treatment, some patients report feeling like they’re being snapped with a rubber band. You may experience some mild redness or swelling that should go down in a day or 2.

To get the best results, you’ll likely need between 3 to 6 treatments spaced about a month apart, but we can go over these details during your appointment. 

Our Location

How to find us?

We are conveniently located on the corner of Eglinton Avenue West and Erin Mills Parkway, on the ground floor of the Arc condominium building, across the street from the Credit Valley Hospital. Parking is available at the base of the building. Please contact our office for more information.

To serve you better, we are open late on Mondays – Fridays until 7:00 pm. We also offer Saturday appointments.

We direct bill to most insurance companies, contact us to find out more.

Our Address

2520 Eglinton Ave West
Mississauga, ON L5M 0Y4

Contact Information

Phone: 289-802-4523
[email protected]

Hours of Operations

10 AM3 PM
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10 AM7 PM
10 AM3 PM
10 AM3 PM

Our Services

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