Diabetic Eye Exams in Mississauga

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Diabetic Eyes Require Special Care & Attention

Diabetes is a systemic condition that can affect the body in many ways and can negatively impact both your eye health and vision. That’s why individuals with diabetes should undergo a comprehensive diabetic eye exam at least once per year. Your optometrist will let you know if you should have your eyes examined more frequently.

When was your last diabetic eye exam? Book your next appointment today.

Diabetes & Your Eyes

Undiagnosed diabetes can actually be detected using an eye exam, even before you may begin to exhibit other symptoms. That’s just another good reason to have your eyes examined regularly.

Diabetes increases your chances of developing a variety of serious, vision-compromising conditions.

People with diabetes are more likely to develop:

Diabetic retinopathy is more common than most people realize. Almost one-third of patients with diabetes over the age of 40 already exhibit signs of this serious condition. Diabetic retinopathy (and diabetic macular edema) occur when the delicate blood vessels in our retinas become damaged by diabetes. If left untreated and allowed to progress, this condition can cause permanent vision loss or even blindness.

Though many of us will develop cataracts as we age, those with diabetes are even more likely to develop cataracts, as well as more likely to develop them at a younger age.

Diabetes nearly doubles your chances of developing glaucoma. This condition is particularly serious because its most common form (open-angle glaucoma) rarely exhibits symptoms until after permanent peripheral vision loss has already occurred.

Diabetic Eye Exams at Arc Eye Care

Since diabetes can impact your eye health and vision, people with diabetes require specialized eye exams. That’s why Arc Eye Care offers eye exams specifically tailored to the specific needs of patients with diabetes.

To help us provide you with the best care possible, we use advanced diagnostic techniques and cutting-edge equipment, including fundus photography, ocular coherence tomography (OCT), and automated visual field testing.

Individuals with either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes should undergo a comprehensive diabetic eye exam at least once per year. This is true even if your blood sugar is well controlled (using either diet or medication), and you aren’t currently experiencing any other problems with your sight or overall health.

For more information about how diabetes can affect your vision and eye health, please speak to your optometrist during your next appointment.

Our Location

How to find us?

We are conveniently located on the corner of Eglinton Avenue West and Erin Mills Parkway, on the ground floor of the Arc condominium building, across the street from the Credit Valley Hospital. Parking is available at the base of the building. Please contact our office for more information.

To serve you better, we are open late on Mondays – Fridays until 7:00 pm. We also offer Saturday appointments.

We direct bill to most insurance companies, contact us to find out more.

Our Address

2520 Eglinton Ave West
Mississauga, ON L5M 0Y4

Contact Information

Phone: 289-802-4523
[email protected]

Hours of Operations

10 AM3 PM
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10 AM3 PM
10 AM7 PM
10 AM3 PM
10 AM3 PM

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