Contact Lens Exams & Fittings in Mississauga

Book Your Appointment

Let’s Find the Right Contact Lenses for Your Eyes

Our eyes are as unique as our fingerprints, so contact lenses can’t be approached with a one-size-fits-all attitude. Comprehensive eye exams, contact lens fittings, and the trial lens period all play a critical role in the contact lens process.

Improperly fitted contact lenses don’t just cause discomfort; they can also lead to corneal damage.

Are you considering contact lenses? Book your contact lens exam and fitting today.

The Contact Lens Fitting Process

During your exam, we will address any questions or concerns you may have about contact lenses, as well as ensure your medical history is up to date.

The purpose of the exam is to ensure that you don’t have any eye problems that could affect your ability to wear contact lenses. Once we know contact lenses are a suitable choice for you, we will calculate your contact lens prescription and then move on to the fitting.

Please note that your contact lens prescription is different from your glasses prescription.

Now that we know contact lenses are a good option for you, we’ll take detailed measurements of your eyes to determine which style will best suit your needs. Accurate measurements of your eyes are vital because your cornea’s size and shape can affect which design of contact lens you can comfortably wear.

Properly fitted contact lenses are critical for comfort, clarity, and optimal ocular health.

To help us get the most accurate measurements possible, the team at Arc Eye Care relies on several instruments, including corneal topography and wavefront aberrometry.

Now that we’ve determined which contact lenses are best suited to your eyes, we will send you home with a trial pair in your prescription. This gives you the chance to try out your new lenses and ensure your vision is clear and your eyes are comfortable.

Once you’ve had a week or so to experience your new contact lenses, we will meet with you again to ensure you are happy with them and that your eyes are adjusting properly. If you’re satisfied with your new contact lenses, we’ll order a supply for you. If they aren’t quite right, we will work with you to try different powers, designs, and brands until we find the right pair to suit you.

Contact Lenses Offered by Arc Eye Care

Arc Eye Care offers a wide selection of contact lenses to suit your unique visual needs.

Single-vision soft contact lenses are incredibly popular and can suit the needs of many patients. These lenses are spherical and are made of a soft, comfortable hydrogel or silicone hydrogel material.

Toric contact lenses are specifically designed for patients with astigmatism. While standard, spherical lenses generally only feature one uniform prescription, toric lenses are made with two different prescriptions that are mapped out along the vertical and horizontal axes.

To ensure the prescriptions orient correctly to your eye, toric lenses need to remain rotationally stable. To do this, they are made with a weighted portion to prevent rotation.

Multifocal contact lenses, just like multifocal glasses, are generally prescribed to patients with presbyopia. Presbyopia is a normal function of aging that affects our ability to see near objects clearly.

Multifocal contact lenses correct two or more prescriptions and let you easily shift your gaze between near and distant objects, and vice versa, without needing to switch between different pairs of glasses or contact lenses.

Rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses can be used to correct astigmatism, are more durable than soft contact lenses, and can also provide you with crisper vision.

However, RGP lenses are also typically less comfortable than soft contact lenses, at least until your eyes adjust. Because of their longer adjustment period, they are less suitable for intermittent users (patients who only wear their contact lenses occasionally). RGP lenses can also be more easily dislodged than soft lenses and can scratch or break.

Are you interested in trying contact lenses, or interested in trying a new style or brand? Book your contact lens exam and fitting today.

Our Location

How to find us?

We are conveniently located on the corner of Eglinton Avenue West and Erin Mills Parkway, on the ground floor of the Arc condominium building, across the street from the Credit Valley Hospital. Parking is available at the base of the building. Please contact our office for more information.

To serve you better, we are open late on Mondays – Fridays until 7:00 pm. We also offer Saturday appointments.

We direct bill to most insurance companies, contact us to find out more.

Our Address

2520 Eglinton Ave West
Mississauga, ON L5M 0Y4

Contact Information

Phone: 289-802-4523
[email protected]

Hours of Operations

10 AM3 PM
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10 AM7 PM
10 AM3 PM
10 AM3 PM

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