Facial Rejuvenation & Photofacials in Mississauga

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You Deserve Healthy, Glowing Skin

Holding back signs of ageing doesn’t have to feel like a battle—our leading-edge facial rejuvenation treatments make the process simple, comfortable, and relaxing. We focus our pulsed-light therapies on specific areas of your skin to nurture and tighten its look and feel.

Enjoy taut, healthy-looking skin almost immediately with the help of our aesthetically trained professionals. If you’re wondering how you can look the way you feel inside, be sure to give us a call today. We’ll be happy to help!

How Can IPL Photofacial Therapy Help?

Our photofacial treatments use advanced intense pulsed-light (IPL) technology brought to you by IconTM intense pulsed-light (IPL) therapy.

IPL treatments use a pulsating light that gently heats deep layers of your skin to stimulate collagen production. Your skin naturally produces collagen throughout your life, but you produce less collagen as you grow older, leading to wrinkles, fine lines, crow’s feet, and other signs of ageing.

IPL penetrates deeper than traditional laser therapy programs, allowing it to reach a second layer of skin where pigment cells help convert the pulsating light into heat. We can even use IPL treatments to address issues like meibomian gland dysfunction and ocular rosacea so that you can look and feel your best!

Problems We Can Address

You’re already beautiful, but our treatments can help you feel and look the way you deserve. When you visit Arc Eye Care for one of our aesthetic or EyeSpa services, we’ll look at the issues you’re experiencing and develop a completely personalized treatment program.

After a single treatment session, you may notice a lifted complexion, with the skin around your eyes, eyebrows, cheeks, nasolabial folds, neck, jawline, and jowls looking more contoured and fresh.

Some of the most common issues we may look for before starting treatment include:

Fine lines and crow’s feet are among the earliest and most common signs of ageing. These issues are often seen on the edges of your eyes, stretching out toward your temples. They can develop due to lost collagen around the eyes and the loosening of muscles whenever you make a facial expression.

Your skin is always up against the elements, including the sun. UV radiation can dry out your skin, reduce its supply of natural oils, and cause sun burns. Long-term exposure to UV radiation can also increase the risk of developing skin cancer.

It’s common to notice dark spots and circles around your eyes as you grow older. However, they can become more prevalent as you age and thus harder to conceal and manage.

Dark spots and circles can also develop as a result of fatigue, allergies, or eye strain. We first need to determine what is causing your symptoms before we recommend a skin treatment.

Acne is incredibly common and can affect any age group. Though it’s more common to develop acne as a teenager, adults can still develop symptoms when oil and dead skin cells clog pores, leading to pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads. In more serious cases, acne can also cause scarring.

Our Location

How to find us?

We are conveniently located on the corner of Eglinton Avenue West and Erin Mills Parkway, on the ground floor of the Arc condominium building, across the street from the Credit Valley Hospital. Parking is available at the base of the building. Please contact our office for more information.

To serve you better, we are open late on Mondays – Fridays until 7:00 pm. We also offer Saturday appointments.

We direct bill to most insurance companies, contact us to find out more.

Our Address

2520 Eglinton Ave West
Mississauga, ON L5M 0Y4

Contact Information

Phone: 289-802-4523
[email protected]

Hours of Operations

10 AM3 PM
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