Children's Eye Exams in Mississauga

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Keep Your Child Happy & Healthy With Regular Eye Exams

Children rely on their vision to learn, both inside and outside the classroom. An undiagnosed or untreated vision problem can impact your child’s ability to learn effectively and hinder their educational development. Annual eye exams allow your optometrist to look for signs of trouble and ensure your child’s prescription is up to date.

Is your child due for an eye exam? Book their next appointment today.

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Childhood Vision Problems

Young children, in particular, aren’t always able to tell us when something is wrong, and may not even realize they are experiencing vision problems. That’s why parents and caregivers need to be on the lookout for signs of trouble. If your child is experiencing vision problems, it’s vital that these issues be addressed and treated as soon as possible.

Your child may be experiencing vision problems if they:

  • Frequently rub their eyes
  • Often squint
  • Sit very close to the television or hold books or tablets close to their face
  • Avoid close up activities such as reading
  • Often lose their place while reading
  • Need to use a finger to guide them while reading
  • Complain of frequent headaches or double vision
  • Complain that they can’t see what you see
  • Cover one eye while looking at things
  • Have a misaligned eye
  • Frequently tilt their head to one side

If you suspect that your child is experiencing vision problems, it’s critical that they have their eyes examined as soon as possible.

Online symptom checkers can be useful for helping parents determine if their child is experiencing problems with their vision, but they aren’t diagnostic tools. Only your optometrist can accurately diagnose vision problems.

Children’s Eye Exam Schedule

The Canadian Association of Optometrists suggests that children have their first eye exam when they are between the ages of 6 and 9 months old, and their next eye exam between the ages of 2 and 5 years old.

Once children start school, they should have their eyes examined at least once per year. However, the Canadian Association of Optometrists’ guidelines outline only the minimum number of suggested visits, so depending on your child’s needs, your optometrist may recommend more frequent exams.

When was your child’s last eye exam? Book their next appointment today.

Our Location

How to find us?

We are conveniently located on the corner of Eglinton Avenue West and Erin Mills Parkway, on the ground floor of the Arc condominium building, across the street from the Credit Valley Hospital. Parking is available at the base of the building. Please contact our office for more information.

To serve you better, we are open late on Mondays – Fridays until 7:00 pm. We also offer Saturday appointments.

We direct bill to most insurance companies, contact us to find out more.

Our Address

2520 Eglinton Ave West
Mississauga, ON L5M 0Y4

Contact Information

Phone: 289-802-4523
[email protected]

Hours of Operations

10 AM3 PM
10 AM7 PM
10 AM3 PM
10 AM7 PM
10 AM3 PM
10 AM3 PM

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